Welcome to IJIIT : International Journal of Infinite Innovations in Technology.

It is an international refereed engineering e-journal in English publish. It is an open access peer-reviewed international forum for scientists and engineers involved in research & innovations to publish high quality and refereed papers. Papers reporting original research or extended versions of already published conference / journal papers are all welcome.

Papers for publication are selected through peer review to ensure originality, relevance, and readability. The journal ensures a wide indexing policy to make published papers highly visible to the scientific community.

The objective of the IJIIT is to provide a forum for communication of information among the world’s scientific and technological community as well as scientists and engineers.

This journal intends to be of interest and utility to researchers and practitioners in the academic, industrial and governmental sectors. All original research contributions of significant value in all areas of engineering discipline are welcome.

IJIIT Cover Page

Call of Paper…


Authors are invited to Submit papers for this journal. Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this Journal. Authors should submit only papers that have been carefully proof read and polished.

Research Articles, Case Studies, Technical Reports and Expanded Conference Papers are invited for submission.

Current Call…


Next Issue : Volume-VI|2017-2018|Issue-i|July

Last Date of Registration : 15th June 2017

Date of Publication : 1st July 2017

Topics Covered…


Desktop Programming Database Programming Socket Programming Network Programming Distributed Computing System Programming Mobile Programmin Android Programming

Security Systems Robotics Automation Industrial Manufacturing Process

Computer Engineering Information Technology Electronics Engineering Electronics & Telecommunications Biomedical Engineering Instrumentation Engineering

Communication Protocols Wireless Sensor Network Bluetooth Technology Wifi Technology Embedded Networking Controlled Area Network (CAN) Ethernet Technology

MATLAB Applications Virtual Reality Artificial Intelligence Programming Neural Networks Simulations Image Processing OpenCV Based Image Processing

GSM Based GPRS / Internet M2M Communication GPS Based

VLSI Technology Embedded Systems FPGA

ISSN Certificate

About Publication…


Publication Media : Online

ISSN : 2278-9057

Frequency :

        Volume : Every Academic Year

        Issue : Once Every Quarter of a Year                      (July, October, January, April)

Subject Category : 

        Science, Engineering  and Technology

Published By : LogicInside techno lab.

More About ISSN…


What is an ISSN?

You have certainly already noticed or used this perhaps mysterious code on serials which you read or consult or in references concerning articles or serials : the ISSN (International Standard Serial Number).

The ISSN is the standardized international code which allows the identification of any serial publication, including electronic serials, independently of its country of publication, of its language or alphabet, of its frequency, medium, etc. The ISSN number, therefore, preceded by these letters, and appears as two groups of four digits, separated by a hyphen , has no signification in itself and does not contain in itself any information referring to the origin or contents of the publication.

ISSN numbers are assigned by the ISSN national Centers coordinated in a network. All ISSN are accessible via the ISSN Register. The ISSN is not “just another administrative number”. The ISSN should be as basic a part of a serial as the title.

What is a Serial Publication?

A precise definition, which allows agreement on the exact field of application of the ISSN can be found in the IS0 3297 standard (ISSN): “A publication, in any medium, issued in successive parts, usually having numerical or chronological designations and intended to be continued with no predetermined end. NOTE : this definition excludes works intended to be published in a finite number of parts.(…) The ISSN is applicable to the entire population of serials, whether past, present or to be published in the foreseeable future. Serials include periodicals, newspapers, annuals (reports, yearbooks, directories, etc.), the journals, series, memoirs, proceedings, transactions, etc. of societies.”


In certain countries, all serial publications covered by legal deposit must have an ISSN. ISSN are automatically assigned and publishers should ensure that it is printed on each issue.

Advantages of ISSN Use...

The ISSN should be as basic a part of a serial as the title. The advantages of using it are abundant and the more the number is used the more benefits will accrue.

  • As a standard numeric identification code, the ISSN is eminently suitable for computer use in fulfilling the need for file update and linkage, retrieval and transmittal of data.
  • As a human readable code, the ISSN also results in accurate citing of serials by scholars, researchers, information scientists and librarians.
  • In libraries, the ISSN is used for identifying titles, ordering and checking in, claiming serials, interlibrary-loan, union catalog reporting etc.
  • ISSN is a fundamental tool for efficient document delivery. ISSN provides a useful and economical method of communication between publishers and suppliers, making trade distribution systems faster and more efficient, in particular through the use of bar-coding and EDI (electronic data interchange).
  • ISSN provides a useful and economical method of communication between publishers and suppliers, making trade distribution systems faster and more efficient.
  • All ISSN registrations are maintained in an international data base and are made available in the ISSN Register online.

Who Assigns ISSN?

ISSN is assigned by a network of over 60 centers worldwide coordinated by the ISSN International Centre located in Paris. ISSN is assigned to serials published in India by the NSL being National Centre for ISSN. Serials published outside of India are assigned ISSN by the national center of their country of publication, or, in the case of countries lacking a national center, by the ISSN International Centre. Information about the ISSN network and ISSN centers worldwide can be found on the ISSN International Center’s home page.